Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Count yourself lucky cause I'm thinking of you. But fortunately not the happy memories yet sad. It's been 2 years trying to forget the pain and hurts but. It seems like useless. Few years back when we were in Form 1. We used to be close friend even we're not in the same class. I never doubt our friendships. And that's how I cherished you the most. Yes. I may be too over at times But deep down, I really do care for you. I treat you like a family more like a best friend. I share with you "ALL" of my so called secrets and so on. But never thought that you can actually reveal to someone else. It's hurt. And that's not the main issue. The main issue was you actually turn the story up site down. I know deep down you trust me. But in order to get "TRUST" from other's. You actually blew it off. I understand you're doing this because you're not really that favourable Compare to others. But for this. 值得吗? I treat you just like my biological sister. But,I know you never treat me like that before. After that few quarrels and so on. You called me up and asked for a meet up. I've agreed with it. You told me you regretted from doing it. 是谁原谅你,收留你? I'm not trying to boast or 赞美 myself. But this was what exactly happened. I remember after that that. Everything SHOULD go well. But end up. 它甚至更糟. I don't want to comment much. But. I'm just trying to express my feelings out here. Am I wrong to do so? You blamed me. You blamed me for posting nasty post in my blog. But do you ever think that. When a person get pissed off,they tend to do things that they actually don't know what their doing? Don't say myself. You think for yourself. 难道你没有吗? If not,what is the use of blog? Is to blog right?-.- Both of us commit the same mistakes. But why you're making it sounds like I am the one done mistakes only? 如果你是我最好的朋友,你不会那样做的. But I don't know why,you did. Is it because you wanted "more" friends than having "one" best friend? 如果我是你,我会选择要一个好朋友,也不会要很多个的假朋友。 After few years. I approached you. But you don't seems to care. 难道你没想过要和解 吗? 我都已经让步了。 But you're still the same. I've been praying much for the past few years for the sake of you. 可是还是一样。 Maybe we really ain't meant to be good friends. 可是我还是要谢谢你。 You are the experiences of my life. But I want to let you know one thing. 下辈子我还会想得你做朋友。 Because I will never hold on grudges. Bygones let it be bygones. 今天说了就算。 我永远不会再提。 I shall end this with. 谢谢你的一切。 27/4 your birthday. Blessed Birthday. Tuesday, April 19, 2011 ![]() ![]() Just trying out some make up And this is what the results BOOHOO. My skills really that bad right? Need some improvement.(:. Wednesday, April 13, 2011 ![]() I've failed for the Singapore Airline interview. And I failed to enter RP due to my "SUCKS" result. Nevertheless. One of my friend introduced me to go for Malaysia Airline Walk In Interview on the 9th of April 8.30am. Liyana which is my bestie fetch me to town area and we had Mac Donal Big Breakfast before I go for interview. Okay.We reached there around 8am.(Early isn't it?) But HOW DUMB WE CAN BE We actually wait at the wrong place for around half and hour?-.- After knowing that there wasn't the correct place. We rushed to the hall itself already 8.30am? My number was 125. There were around 300+ people there for interview._.| Okay. While waiting. The first stage was heigh check. I checked my heigh around 12pm+. OK pass 167cm. Next I went to registration but SHIT YEA. I forgot to bring my SPM certificate._. Without it,I can't register. But luckily my bestie,Liyana actually offered to go home and collect for me. After around half and hour she arrived. And OK pass second stage.(: Ok.After that my so called new friend Aainaa and her family went to KFC to grab lunch with me. We went back to the hall around 2pm SHARP. But sucks man. We waited around 2 hours for them to continue the following stages and so on. Third stages was the PreLim interview. Tired of waiting. I went in the room around 5pm? We were told to introduce about ourselves and so on. Third stage PASS. Next the fourth stage. It's grooming stage. They check whether we have any scars anot. And do cat walk for 2 rounds. Heigh check again and weigh check. PASS. End of the first day interview.(: Second day interview Interactive stage which is the 5th stage. 6 in a group as usual. They gave us a topic and we have to discuss among the 6 of us about it. After that they will select who is qualified to go for the next stage. 5/6 of us went through. Okay!5th stage CLEAR. Ok now is the final stage. We need to introduce about ourselves again. And anwer few questions given by them. After that we can go home.(:. They told us that around 2-3weeks they will call/email. Normally if email means fail._. Call means pass. Well well well. Today I actually got their call and they told me to go for medical check up on the 18 April. And if I pass!Have to go for briefing and so on. After that! I will get offer letter from Malaysia Airlines lu!:D Have to go for training for 4 months at Kelana Jaya,Selangor. :D:D Saturday, April 2, 2011 ![]() Been busy for this few days! And I'll just write a short post here. (:. Woke up around 5am in the morning and off to Singapore. Well reached there around 6am+ Took a short nap and off to interview for SIA. Didn't manage to went through. But at least I gain some experience about it. Heh. Went breakfast with daddy mummy at OG area. Then headed back to JB. Reached home around 2pm. Took a nap and off to driving class around 4pm. Class start at 5pm-7pm. Back home around 7.30pm. Well. That's a short post about today. Shall update more soon. (:. Nights peeps. |
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