Tuesday, July 28, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well.. As time passes.. I felt much better.. Well.. Not to say.. I'm fully recover.. Still got grudges.. But.. I'll try to forget.. But.. I'll still want to thank you.. Thanks for changing me.. Thanks for everything.. Even now I'm still not really used to hang out with new friends.. But I'll try.. I will.. Slowly.. Forget everything about us.. And start afresh.. A new me! (: Thursday, July 23, 2009 The End Of This Blog Sunday, July 19, 2009 Why.. Why you never stop giving me troubles.. I thought it will be over after 1 day you didn't create problem.. And why you came back? I prayed to God many times to keep you awake.. To make sure that you're awake from what you've doing.. But why you deny God? Why must you make me feel disappointed.. Or sad.. All the time.. Why must you back stab me? What exactly I did.. Tell me.. I don't want to hurt nor hate you.. So please don't make me do so.. I have patience.. And there's a limit in it.. I changed.. But why.. Didn't you? Anything that you're unsatisfy.. You can kindly ask me straight face to face.. But.. Don't try to bribe anyone of my friends.. No point using dirty tricks.. Because my friends all are loyalty to me.. And those who can view my blog.. Please don't give anyone the chance to view my blog.. Cause you guys who can view my blog.. Only the one I trust.. Among all of you.. Please.. That is the only thing I request.. Thanks.. P/S:Wo bu xiang shang hai ni..Dan ni ke yi bu ke yi da ying wo yi jian shi..Ni ye bu yao zai shang hai wo le..Wo bu neng cheng shou zhe yi qie..Wo hao bu rong yi zhan qi lai..Wei shen me ni yao ba wo tui dao..Ni dao di xiang wo zuo shen me ni cai ken fang guo wo..Ni ke yi gao shu wo ma..Ni wei shen me bian cheng zhe yang..Ni zai ye bu shi yi qian wo ren shi na ge hao xin de ren le..Wo hao bu rong ri jian qiang dao 1 tian bu ku le..Wei shen me ni hai shi yi chi de rang wo ku..Yi chi de rang wo shi wang..Wo lei le..Zhen de lei le..Wo ye mei li qi gen ni wan le..Ni wan gou le ma?Qiu qiu ni jiu bie zai shao rao wo le..Wo zhen de hen tong ku..Bie bi wo dao jue lu.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Had fun with my friends.. Went to Jusco with them.. Yeah.. Watched a horror movie.. Called Script 7707.. Hmms.. Not bad.. But.. Not really scary for me larhx.. Haha.. Then.. While waiting for the movie at 3pm.. We went to have lunch at 2.30pm.. At Vivo.. YES! My favourite restaurant.. Then.. Went for movie.. Abit late only finised eating.. Around 3.15pm.. Then.. After movie.. Went to walk around.. Searching for YAM ice cream which is Veetha's favourite.. But coulnd't find it then her mother wants her to go Kota Tinggi already.. Heh.. Then left me,Gurveen,Bhalvin and Dharsen.. Went to eat ice cream! Bhalvin's treat.. Lol.. Then.. Went to harris.. Acompanny Gurveen to buy books.. Then.. Went to meet so called Bhalvin's friend.. Then.. Rush to buy daddy favourite ice cream.. DURIAN FLAVOUR! Then went home.. (: Saturday, July 18, 2009 I reach out my hands of hope but you insisted and thus, you fell into the depths of hell.. The message she sended to me before that really touches me..But it seems that..It's ain't true at all June 18 at 7:00pm ginger...no matter what is your decision,i'll be your side.k?dont face it alone please.let me share it with you.can?please...if you think that im still worth to become your friend... Friday, July 17, 2009 You're no longer that person I met.. You've changed.. To someone totally heartless.. Yet you're a Christian.. You called you're a Christian for what you've done.. Yelling at teachers.. Shouting at friends.. Disturb peoples during lessons.. You said you didn't throw my bag.. Yet you still support other's to throw it.. I'm your friends for 4years.. And yet you treating me like a stranger.. If you dare.. I give you the chance to stand in front of me and tell me.. What you're unhappy with.. You don't dare to face me? What a joke.. You said you're afraid of me? Dare talking behind my back.. Dare to boycott teacher.. Dare do all the things that ruining your own reputation.. Then can't you just stand infront of me and tell me nicely? I don't like to be racist.. Why don't dare to talk in front of Guru HEM? I thought you very big one.. In front of teacher then coward like mice.. Ha ha.. What a joke.. Dare to do all this things.. Don't dare to face the consequences.. You guys changed the place.. And yet you stil push the blame on us.. Okay.. Fine then.. We shift WHEREVER you want us to.. Now you're saying.. You gonna sit beside me.. But ain't gonna talk with me and don't even try to talk with you.. I'm telling you this.. I don't wish someone "wicked" to sit beside me.. And defenetely I don't wish to talk to you too.. For what all you've done to me..! I will never forget! How much you've hurt me! Need me then only seek for me.. Don't need me then discriminate me! Treating me as what! I'm not a toy! Thursday, July 16, 2009 If you guys said I'm childish.. Judge yourself before judging me.. First.. Get your head.. And stuff in front of the mirror.. Look nicely at your face.. Before you start to judge me.. I dislike people judging me when it's ain't true.. Why mustn't all of us just work together? We're going school to study.. Not to gossip or what else.. Or to boycott our teachers.. Worst of all is.. You guys boycott our MORAL teacher.. As like if you didn't so called learn morality.. Heys.. I'm speaking the truth without standing at which side.. But think for yourself.. Are you doing the right thing? Next.. What I feeling disappointed is.. You guys so called threw my bag in front of the class like nobody business.. Please think of others before you do that.. What if things happened the way round.. How would you feel? If you're saying you'll feel happy nor excited about it.. HELL YEAH.. You're lying to yourself.. God knows everything.. You're lying to me.. Lying to everyone.. That's useless.. Cause you can't lie God.. And you have "NO RIGHTS" to touch my stuff.. Not even throwing my stuff without my knowing! Why must you guys be so racist? Can't we be friends with whoever they are.. Their born just the way they are.. They can't choose whether to be INDIAN,CHINESE nor MALAY.. Why must me avoid Malays nor Indians.. It sounds very childish doesn't you think so? Next.. What's the problem with doing Moral Exam Paper? Blaming teacher doesn't give any tips for exam.. Doesn't mean that we don't need to do the exam.. Claimed that teacher didn't teach moral during lessons? First.. You guys recommend teacher not to teach.. Then during lessons.. You guys can chit chat discussing about personal matters at the back of the class.. What will teacher thinks.. How she feel? Do you know? Nope.. You guys didn't.. Still boycott everyone not to do Moral Exam Paper.. Did you respect teacher? You need to respect them in order they to respect you.. You guys discriminate me.. I ain't going to be really care about those matter.. Cause I know you guys true colours.. After all this years.. I've finally found our your true colours.. Because.. You guys will only be friends with me to gain something.. To gain famous.. To gain money.. To gain things.. To gain lots of stuff more.. Don't you guys think that.. You're guys are making yourselves so cheap.. And.. You guys never do Moral paper.. It's you guys silly.. We gain for what we did.. You guys will get the punishment.. Still want to request teacher to resit the Moral paper? DREAM ON! Cause you gonna get 0% for it.. And please.. Grow up larhx! You're bringing dissapointed to me,my INDIAN and MALAY friends,teachers and of cause our most honoroble Guru HEM and Moral Teacher! Please don't make teacher give up on us.. Because I stil want to learn MORAL! P/S:Giving you guys another word for it..Sorry if I hurt you guys..But I'm just stating the fact..You guys so called bringing disgrace to your family and humanity..Change for yourselves before telling others to change..I have the rights to tell you guys to change because I MYSELF changed! Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Vote for me..The first 4 pictures are straight hair and the last 4 picture are curly hair..Ignore my lens and fringe..Fringe will always be straight..So please vote whether I'm with straight or curly hair nicer..Majority wins..Do tag and let me know the answer..(: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ![]() To him: I know you tried to get us back together.. But did you know I dislike the way you used.. I thought you understand me.. But then.. After today.. Is like.. You're just like a stranger to me.. And.. Why am I the person who must sacrifice? Why can't all of us? Like you said.. Why must you tell me what to do instead of advising me? Telling other things that can't be told.. Like I said.. There's many other ways of helping.. If you think you're using the right way.. Then I'm speechless for it.. I'm thinking too much? Like what? List down everything.. I don't want to hate you nor her.. Get the point.. To her: But did you realise that I've changed? Nope.. You didn't.. I changed not to be so bossy.. Yes you said you'll get influence by others easily.. But did you tried to prevent from it? Why am I telling others about this.. 1.)Because I have NO ONE to talk to.. 2.)Not even 2 of them are talking to me.. 3.)Whenever I talk with her she'll give a cold shoulder towards me.. 4.)I'm not doing this to gain sympathy!That's for sure.. I'm a human.. I can sense that.. Even you said that I treat you wouldn't exists in this world.. Do you get my point why I treated you that way.. 1.)Because even if I start the conversation,you wouldn't really be bothered about this.. 2.)Because you yourself also treated my that way.. 3.)Because with or without me isn't a big deal as the other 2 are with you.. Next.. You claimed that teacher said I was angry with you guys during tuition.. 1.)You ain't have any proved that I'm angry 2.)You don't give it a damn whether I'm alone or what because you have to other 2.. You want this problem to settled as soon as possible and so do I.. But did you realise that.. Isn't I'm the one who didn't want to face to fact.. Whenever I asked.. What's the problem.. It seems like you guys ain't want to speaking it out to me.. How would I know what you guys feel? You should know.. I'm straight forward.. Yes.. I made decision all by myself.. But can you guaranteed that I always repeat the same mistake? I so did apologized to you guys.. Like what you said.. Your so called "friends" said that you didn't do any wrong.. I'm scolding you like nobody's business.. 1.)Get the fact why am I actually scolding you..Is for me or for you.. 2.)It sounds mushy..But because I'm concerned about you.. But I just wish that.. When there's anything related to me.. Ask me personally.. Do you know why I can't go for Copa Iba? My grandfather had past way last Thrusday.. Well I guess.. You can't be bothered anyway.. Among all of you guys.. I can't denied that.. You're the one that I trust and believed the most.. You should know.. That tarrot cards says.. Past time we're good.. Now we might have an arguements that can lead us to suspecting each other.. Nor bringing unwanted things happened.. Our future? We'll be better then before.. When I think about it.. Do you know the joy deep down in my heart? I'm looking forward for it.. But.. Will this happens? Depending on us.. I never regret having you as a friend.. And most important.. I love you for who you are.. I accept you whoever you are.. Notice:I so did not angry about this anymore..What I wished for is everyone to forget about this matter and get back together sincerely instead of faking it..Most important concentrate on our studies..As for you guys..If you guys don't wish to..I have nothing to say..There's a if there..Because as you all know..I'm not good in studies..I may not be as clever as you guys do..But I have my own dignity for it.. A poem dedicated to you: This is for you, my best friend, the one person i can tell my soul too Who can relate to me like no other Who I can laugh with to no extents, Who I can cry too when times are tough, Who can help me with the problems of my life. Never have you turned your back on me Or told me I wasnt good enough Or let me down I don't think you know what that means to me You have went through so much pain and you still have time For me. And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying And I look up too you because you are strong, and caring and beautiful. Even though you don't think you are. And I hope you know that I am always here To listen to you laugh and cry and help In all the ways that i can And I will try to be at least half the friend you are To me. I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, without you. My best friend. Sunday, July 12, 2009 ![]() When I look at the picture.. It makes me remind of my past time.. Those memorable things that we did together.. We sing.. We laugh.. We play.. We study.. We always do things together.. But now.. I'm alone.. Doing things all by myself.. Sometimes.. I just wish that.. Someone could hold me tight.. Accompanny me.. Comfort me.. Console me.. Cheer me up.. Sometimes people asking.. Why every pictures.. Only got myself.. Because I have no friends.. When people asked.. "She" not your friend.. I think twice.. But then.. Still couldn't get the real answer.. I asked myself.. Do they really let me go just like that.. Or maybe im thinking much.. I'm sick of crying every night.. Whenever I think of our past.. I think and wished that I couldn't use a time machine.. To turn back to clock.. So that.. I won't end up like today.. p/s:I really miss you badly.. Sad.. Haiz.. Don't know what to do at home.. Sleep? Eat? Nah.. Eat also no appetite._. Darn.. Have to wait.. Another year.. To attend Copa Iba.. Sadly.. Too bad.. Recently.. Many unwanted things happened.. Too bad.. We still have to accept it.. And I believes.. That.. God is giving me a task.. He have his reason for doing that.. Well.. Have to face the fact then.. ): Friday, July 10, 2009 ALL WHAT I DID.. WHAT I SACRIFICE.. ALL WASTE.. INTO DRAIN.. CAN SOMEONE JUST TRY TO UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL.. IMAGINE.. I SKIP TUITION.. ATTEND ALL THE PRACTICE.. PLANNED EVERYTHING FOR 1 YEAR.. BUT TAKES 1 SECOND TO END.. WHAT THE.. I REALLY SPEECHLESS.. CAN'T DESCIBE HOW I FEEL.. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! Monday, July 6, 2009 ![]() Bahhhh! Just came back from school.. I'm sweat.. Well.. What to post about uhh? Yeah.. I WANNA SKIP TUITION TODAY FOR CAPTAIN BALL.. Heh.. Since it's our last practice today.. So why don't just skip 1 time? X: Next week exam lerhx.. But I still don't understand.. Not even a single thing.. Stupid me.. Miss GerGer aka Failure.. ): Okayx.. Next! I wanna bath now.. Will update after my captain ball practice.. Lastly.. Love ya peeps.. YOS!Back.. Hehe.. The practice was okay.. Just that.. I havent recover my waist yet.. Then have to practice.. So today more worst larhx.. Have to rest till Saturday lerhx.. Or else I cannot play.. T.T.. Too bad.. Peeps! Pray for me okay! Haha.. Had been coughing this few days.. Badly.. Sometimes at night also cough until wake up.. Sobs.. How larhx.. Don't tell me I kena H1N1.. Won't be barhx?? Pray Pray Pray! (: Okiex lurhx.. Have to rest lerhx.. See ya peeps! Sunday, July 5, 2009 Aww.. Today practice was funny.. But still have to know or understand each other more.. In order to improve.. Still have to build up the chemistry between my team mates.. So.. Will be praying that.. Tomorrow everyone can make it.. So let us.. Work together.. Play together! Like what Melissa told me.. When we're on the game.. Just let go everything.. Forget about everything.. Just concentrate on it.. And sure you'll can make it.. YES! I did it.. (: SHOOOOOTOMATE._. That's lame.. Shoot-To-Ma-Te.. Don't know what language.. I just keep on shouting and shouting._. While playing I can even sing.. Okayx.. That's lame right? Well.. There are one of the way of training stamina.. Run play sing and shout! (: Well.. Hope we'll get top 10 for it.. Yea.. Competition next Saturday.. Hope there's nothing that can affect us.. And of cause.. Sadly.. I sprained my waist during practice today.. That's lame.. I don't know how did I sprain it.. And will be praying for it to recover.. Real soon.. But then.. Tomorrow have another practice.. Well.. Hope can recover by tomorrow maybe? And then next Friday.. Will be going up to Klang for Copa Iba[Which is Captain Ball competition] I'll be praying real hard and also.. Hope that everything that haven't settle.. Can settle it fast.. So this stuff won't bother me during the competition.. And of cause.. Thanks Gary for helping me to change my blog skin.. As I'm busy practicing captain ball.. You manage to finished everything.. Thanks alot! YOU'RE THE BEST! (: <3333333 Love ya peeps <333333 Saturday, July 4, 2009 I did what I should do.. Other's is up to you.. Is not im thinking too much or what so ever.. Is not that I don't wanna talk to you or what.. Is just that.. You guys just seems don't care about this friendship anymore.. I tried to talk to you guys.. In school.. It just seems like.. You guys are running away from me.. Went out together.. But seems like im walking alone all by myself.. Leaving me alone.. Waiting by the roadside.. Yet you guys enjoy eating at the mall.. This makes me feel.. [Misrable].. Sitting alone.. During tuition.. Makes me feel.. [Lonely].. You guys ignorance.. Makes me feel.. [Depressed].. Leaving me walking alone.. To public toilet and cry.. Makes me feel.. [IDIOT].. Ginger cried.. In the public toilet.. Sounds.. [Disgusting].. But what can I do to mend our friendship back.. Whether you guys want it anot.. Is up to you.. Crying whole day.. Makes me feel.. [Tired].. Yes.. It's true.. I'm tired of everything.. Sick of it.. Yes.. I know for sure.. You'll read my blog.. But im just posting my feelings.. NOT TO GAIN SYMPATHY.. Can't I? Wanted to tell you.. I bought things for you guys.. But it seems like.. There's no chance to give you guys.. Might as well.. I'll throw it in to the dustbin.. Will you be sad if one day I past away just like that.. If you do.. I will.. I need someone's shoulder to let me lean on it.. Sometimes I just wish that I can hug someone and cry out loud.. Not a pillow.. Why when I get to go.. And.. I don't feel like going anymore.. Should or shouldn't I? Friday, July 3, 2009 If it is meant to be mine..It will come back..I believe.. Maybe I look brave and strong.. But deep down.. I ain't at all.. Today.. I realise.. Actually.. Living all by myself.. Alone.. Is not an easy thing.. Because.. Without friends.. Is like without hope.. But what can I do? Take a gun point into their head and said.. Come back to me? No.. I can just do nothing.. Like I said.. Everyone are living me all alone by myself.. And that will be the end.. Wednesday, July 1, 2009 1.Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to be kissed? -Forehead. 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? -Sleepy. 3. Who was the last person you took a photo with? -Myself. 4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? -Can say so. 5. Will you ever donate blood? -I would if I could.But I can't so I won't. 6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? -Yeah..Guesss who?I'm not telling you!LOL! 7. Do you want someone to be dead? -Myself. 8. What does your last text msg say? - "What happened to you tell me leh" 9. What are you thinking of right now? -I wanna go copa iba but can't!T.T. 10. Do you want someone to be with you right now? -BIBI! 11. What time did you go to bed last night? -12 something. 12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now? -Singapore. 13. Is someone on your mind right now? -The one who wants me to post this._. 14. Who was the last person who texted you? -WH. Ten lucky people to do this quiz: 1.Gary Chan. 2.Mervyn. 3.Melvin. 4.Aaron. 5.Chander. 6.Adrian Siok. 7.Adrian Tan. 8.Ivan Chong. 9.Andrew. 10.Nicholas Choo. 15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with? - None. 16. Is no.3 a male or female? - Male. 17. If no.7 and no.1 got together, would it be good? - Gays..What you think? 18. What is no.1 studying about? - Form 5.But his voice like 30+. 19. When was the last time you chatted with them? - Few minutes ago. 20. Is no.4 single? - I don't know. 21. Say something about no.2. - HEBAT. 22. What do you think about no.3 and no.6 being together? - Hahaha.!GAYS KERHX!? 23. Describe no.9. - Funny?Good to everyone..Cute?Errrmm..X tau.. 24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight? - Fight lorhx..Their at KL how to stop.._.. 25. Do you like no.8? - Haha..Yupx..Friendly guys..(: I never force you to stay with us.. Nor forcing you to leave us.. If you really thinks that you'd suffer when you're with us.. There's always a door outside waiting for you.. You may leave anytime.. You know me for so long but you can't even understand me like how others do.. Even sometimes when I said I'm not going to help you.. I'll still help you in other way.. Why? Because you're my best friend.. After all this thing happened.. You should realise yourself that.. The friendship between you and me gone bad to worst.. Why? Blame who.. Me? I'm speechless.. Think for yourself.. Think what you've done for the past few weeks.. It's not that I sometimes ignore you because of no reasons.. I have my reasons and so do you.. Please respect me if you want me to respect you.. Think of what you shouldn't you do and what you should.. Like how I trusted you and you betrayed me last time.. I know I shouldn't brought back this matter.. Or mention it.. But you know.. Somethings that can't be forgotten.. But I'll tried to do so.. Why all this must happen between us? What did actually happened? I don't know neither you I guess.. I tried to mend our friendship.. But did you give me a chance to do so.. Except quarrel and BEHSONGING each other.. Nothing else.. Come on.. We're friends since Form1.. Why can't you just understand me.. It seems like I understand you more then you understands me.. Whenever you're in trouble.. I don't deny that I'm the one who helped you sincerely.. Yes.. I never deny that.. When I'm feeling down.. You're also one of them that asking me what happened.. And concern about me.. But sometimes you didn't.. Yes.. I don't expect you to comfort me all the time.. Nor 24 hours.. But I just hope that.. When you ever sees me feeling down or alone.. Come and accompany me.. That's all I wish.. Even if I give you a cold look.. But in my heart.. I do know that you're worry about me.. Isn't that too much I asked for it? We're friends remember? Remember you've told me for the past few weeks that.. No matter what.. You'll be there for me.. Somehow now I don't feel any presence of you.. You don't even care for me.. Dumping me alone.. It's just like me alone all by myself.. No one else is with me.. I'm sad.. I'm deeply hurt.. Do you know? NO.. You didn't.. You can even trust other's more then me.. So what's the point of being friends? Other's told me that.. Four of us look like very close.. Best sisters of all.. And their like damn envy of us.. And they even told me.. How they'd wish their in the same group as us.. Do things together.. Movie together.. Red box together.. We're just like living in our own world.. But everything had changed.. Things that I want to let you know.. You're still my friend.. I don't wish anything bad happened to us because of some "beaches" out there.. We go on our own life and they go on theirs.. Can't we? You know why sometimes I won't tell you what's happening to me.. Because sometimes I felt that.. When you're down.. You don't even tell me what's going on.. We're friends.. Should share our problems with each other.. Somehow you gave me a feeling that I'm nothing to you.. We're just a stranger.. On my birthday.. I'm like the one who planned my own birthday party for myself.. Did you guys think of any plan? Or surprise? You guys didn't.. I question myself for few times.. Do true friend really exsist? 朋友到底是什么意识? Or maybe we're ain't meant to be.. Huhu.. Just now went to Puteri Wangsa school for ceramah.. Haha.. Yeahx.. It was damn bored.. Nothing much.. After breakfast.. Then listen again.. Then lunch.. Went to Jusco with teacher.. And some of my friends.. Yeahx.. Haha.. Teacher treat us kinder bueno sia.. And I bought 1 box of ice cream.. For myself larhx.. Then teacher fetch us back home.. Then went out makan with family.. Yeahx.. I know I eat alot.. Who cares! HAHAHAA.. I enjoy eating that's it.. Yeahx.. Then.. Back home lurhx.. Haha.. Okiex.. Let the pictures down there do the talking.. Enjoy! Few pictures that I SS-ing myself.. Tooooooodles peeps.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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