Saturday, May 30, 2009
![]() Hmms.. Yesterday.. Had fun with ma sisters.. Can say.. Almost everyone of our school students.. Went there too.. Met quite a number of them.. Why am I blogging early in the morning? Heh.. Cause I going camp later.. So.. This few days.. Cannot update nerhx.. (: I wanna say.. I love all my friends and family! And readers too~~~ Thanks for the morning call Gary,KaiHong and Jian Ming.. Hahaha.. I'll update my blog after DMSJ! GERGER HUAT ARHX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday, May 29, 2009 Bahhhs.. Yesterday didn't went to school.. Today?? Didn't go also.. Heh.. Okays.. Will be posting what I've been doing yesterday.. Woke up at 9am+.. Then brush up.. Online.. Restaurant city?? Then.. Had breakfast with family.. AFter breakfast.. Bath.. Then went to visit my grandfather.. Sigh.. My mum cried after seeing my grandfather.. Freaking sad can?? I can't bear to see my mum cry.. T.T.. I also feel like crying nurhx.. But I didn't larhx.. Okies.. After that.. Back home.. Around 1.30pm.. Then get ready all my stuffs.. And rushed to mall at 2pm.. Geng right? Half and hour finished everything jorhx.. Worst thing is.. I've waited my friend at the mall for 1hour.. ROAR!!!!!!!! Boh bian.. Birthday boy late.. Forgive him ><.. Then.. While waiting for them.. I met my friend there.. My brother's friend actually.. Okays.. Then he walk towards my direction.. And asked me this question.. "Ei Ginger.." "Ni you $_$ ma" LMAO! Then I was like.. "Errrr..You arhx..Ni yao duo shao?" Then he showed his finger which was number 3.. Then he continue.. "3 thousand" LMAO.. I don't have so much cash with me larhx ><.. Okays.. Then.. He said he was joking.. Phew relieve.. Then he continue.. "Rm30 larhx.." Then I said.. "CHEYYY~~OH~~GOT ARHX!" Then I lend him the money.. Then few minutes later.. My friend came.. Went into red box.. What else??! SING SING SING! But then.. At first its like.. I'm the one SS-ing larhx.. Singing alone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe they paiseh?? DUH! Whatever.. Then.. Last song we sang is.. "Ai Ni De Zhi You Yi Ge Wo" Its like.. I on to the max volume.. Then we was like.. SHOUTING? LMAO! Funny sia.. Thank God no people scold us.. Heh.. Then? Hmms.. My friend accompany me wait for uncle.. Was going to tuition after that larhx.. Then habis cite.. Lazy want type jorhx.. Ha ha.. What else about today? I woke up at 6.30am.. Never go school still wake up so early? Siao rights? Hmms.. I'm always siao larhx.. LOL!.. Okays.. Later wanna book room again.. RED BOX ROOM NARHX.. Don't fikir lain lain pulak.. Lmao.. Book 2 room.. For me and my sis.. Heh (: Today I'll try to take as many picture as I can.. Then upload let you readers see see barhx.. AND! YESHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DMSJ tomorrow! (: Toddles readers <3 Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, May 24, 2009 Been to Singapore today.. Just now something stupid happened.. I was helping my mum to get something.. Then I walk few steps infront of my mum.. Suddenly two malay guy walk passed me.. One of them said.. "Eh pompuan ni".. Then he was like about to walk closer to me.. Then I wanted to walk to my mum direction.. Then he saw my mum.. And said.. "Mak die tu ade".. Then quickly walked away.. Lame sial.. Have nothing better to do.. Then.. I went to Bugis with my mum.. There's another guy promoting something.. Some kind of lotion or what larhx.. Then he grab my hand then apply some of it.. Then I told him.. "Aq x suke bau tu".. Then he pulled me to a side wanted to rub the lotion off.. From my hand.. Then I just walk away ><.. Why nowadays.. So many pervert jerks arhx.. -.- Desperate for girls merhx.. AHHH!!!!!!! Pissed.. Lot's of stuff to do now! Will be blog for the next time.. Anyway.. I bought alot stuffs today..^^.. Haha.. Whenever I go Singapore.. Sure got buy stuffs derhx.. Saturday, May 23, 2009 ![]() I thought you'll always understands me.. Always know why I do that and this.. But then.. I found out that.. We're actually different person.. After giving so many example.. You still "misunderstand" me.. How only you can understand.. But then.. Sigh.. I also don't know what to do.. Is not that I am not willing to try.. Is I already know the consequences before trying it.. What happened if like that like that.. What happened if didn't like that like that.. Just "try" to understand me.. I do this.. Because I have my "reasons".. Is not that.. I giving up without even trying.. I "tried".. Somethings are can't be forced.. What will happened in the future? I will never know.. Same goes to you.. Only God know's.. All in all.. Blame me for it.. I shouldn't have exsist in this world.. Making the world turn upsite down.. I sincerely apologize to you.. Is my fault being myself.. And.. I did get hurt about it "too".. Not only you.. Words that you said.. Its like.. Stabbing a kinfe deep into my heart.. Well.. I'm sure you'll understand soon.. Sooner? Or later.. But remember one thing.. All the things I do.. Is for your own good.. And.. Of cause.. I want you to be happy.. With All I Am-Hillsong Into your hand I commit again With all I am For you Lord You hold my world In the palm of your hand And I'm yours forever CHORUS Jesus I believe in you Jesus I belong to you You're the reason that I live The reason that I sing With all I am I'll walk with you Wherever you go Through tears and joy I'll trust in you And I will live In all of your ways and Your promises forever CHORUS Jesus I believe in you Jesus I belong to you You're the reason that I live The reason that I sing With all I am BRIDGE I will worship I will worship you forever Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ![]() Hmmss... Just came back from school.. Get to know that I didn't score a good marks.. For my History paper.. Well.. I tried my best already.. So.. Can't blame me for it right? Heh.. Today.. Just received a news that.. Our school are organizing.. A camp.. To Sabah.. Min RM200.. Not sure whether my friends can go anot.. Well.. If they can.. Of cause I will join them too.. Heh.. Can have fun with them.. Of cause I want to.. Bahh.. Currently learning a song called "Ku Cha".. And i promised ManYu.. After I learn how to sing this song.. Get to memorize the lyrics.. I sure sing for her.. Lolx.. Well.. As quite a number of people knows.. I love singing.. Heh.. Today kena caught by teacher.. Skipping her class.. Well.. She wasn't teaching also.. What's the point staying in the class.. Doing nothing.. Rather lepak outside.. Heh.. Okays.. MY dad back.. Have to eat lunch lerhx.. Bye peoples! Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Nananana! Yay! This week Teacher's Day celebration.. Heng no exams.. But then next week continue exams again.. Yawn.. Nevermind.. Got enough time to study.. Heh.. And yet I still playing computer.. Lolx.. My life larhx.. Heh.. Looking forward for DMSJ.. Heh.. Daddy bought new computer.. Shuang yeh!.. Everything new.. Hehe.. Hmms.. Today ponteng.. Didn't go school.. Cause gotong royong.. Go also waste time.. Rather stay at home sleep.. Hehe.. Tomorrow have to go lerhx.. T.T.. Boh bian nurhx.. Long time didn't update blog liaox.. Then update awhile nurhx.. Hehe.. But then.. Don't know what to post also.. Wait I think of what thing to post then post again barhx.. Bye peoples!! Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ![]() Hey yoz people.. Today first day exam arhx!! Heh.. Malay subject.. Paper 2 was quite okay.. But then paper 1.. Sigh.. Speechless.. Don't wanna mention about it.. Spoil mood.. Hehe.. Anyway! Was kind of feeling excited.. This coming Saturday program is damn damn nice!! After Bible Story.. Captain ball! ARGH! Just couldn't wait for the day.. Heh.. This friday.. Plan not to go to school.. Because I didn't really need to go.. Chinese exam.. Go there also waste time.. Might as well I go tuition centre and ask for teacher's help.. Hehe.. (: One last thing.. Form4 life are damn freaking ANNOYING! With lotsa homeworks.. Exams.. Projects.. Presentation.. ARGH!! Had enough! ): That's all! Tata guys! Monday, May 4, 2009 Happy Birthday Ginger (: I'm older one year again.. Haiz.. Time flies.. Two more days to exams.. And I haven really prepare yet.. But nevermind.. I'll start either today or tomorrow.. Birthday? Honestly.. This birthday was bored.. Not really enojoying.. Nor celebration.. But im kind of happy.. Cause Kerry's mum bake a cake for me.. And I do appreciate it.. Heh.. Today 12am sharp.. Received lots of message.. And one phone call.. That is.. Gary!! Haha.. Thanks for the birthday song you sang (: Eventhough you not really into singing.. But I do appreciate it too.. I'm happy to have a friend like you (: And my close one.. Kerry,Jeannie,Manyi! We're best friend forever! Yeah.. No one can separate us.. It's our promise Family.. Heh.. Actually.. I had my lunch time with my family last Sunday.. Been to Elmigos.. Really do enjoy it.. Thanks daddy mummy for the treat (: Lastly! I love my family and friends (: p/s:Laoda..XiaoDi misses you ): |
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