Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bahh.. Dear readers.. Im back.. Ha ha.. Anyways.. This year Chinese New Year also nothing much.. Never really enjoy.. Just "balik" from Jusco.. Went there to "lepak" with Kerry.. Anyways.. The movie was nice.. Bride wars.. Ha ha.. Then.. Monday will be school day AGAIN! Yes.. Again.. And it will be damn bored.. Ha ha.. Okays.. I really do crap alot.. And Im going to bed.. Nights people.. Monday, January 19, 2009 Woohoo.. Just feel like blogging.. Just finished all my home works and house chores.. But.. Haven bath larhs.. Pardon me yeah.. No time too bath.. So.. Let me blog first.. Then bath.. Okays.. I can see that.. Secondary 4 are much more stress then secondary 3.. Ha ha.. Everyone claim that Secondary 4 supposed to be a HONEYMOON year.. But honestly.. For me.. It's AIN'T a honeymoon year.. Have to work very hard if don't wanna ketinggalan.. Ha ha.. Okays.. Before that.. I also just came back from school.. Have practice for running.. Ha ha.. Well.. Can say that.. Aq semakin merosot ni.. Going bad to worst.. Maybe because I'm fat.. So can't run already.. BUT BUT.. I'll still run when sports day.. Cause.. I love to run lorhs..? Lame lame.. Okays.. Then.. Is like.. I planning to go down to Singapore with my friends.. On the 21 of February.. Well well.. This was the fourth or fifth outing I guess.. And.. I really hope that.. All of my close friend can accompany me there.. We'll go there for shopping,movies,eating and more more more!! Okays.. Time to bath.. Will be blog again.. Next time? Friday, January 16, 2009 Sigh.. Well.. I don't know what's the reason.. Just feel like blogging.. This few days.. Is like.. Everyone also no mood.. One of the everyone.. Is me larhs.. First thing.. I'm having my exams.. Next week.. 3days.. Sians.. Is like.. Haven really study.. Then got exams lerhs.. Sigh.. Second thing is.. Friends problem lorhs.. Here buay song lai buay song qu.. They all really so -.-.. Help that side.. This side buay song.. Help this side.. That side buay song.. Better way is to stay out of this problems.. Ha ha.. Third thing is.. About my work lorhs.. I've quited my job due to some personal matters larhs.. Is like.. After I quited my job.. I'm all free.. Like nothing to do.. Well I guess.. I need to start to look for tuition.. Or else I can't catch up my studies.. Must study hard as I promise my parents.. And MINGMING papa =D.. Haha.. Papa uh.. Xie xie for pei-ing me when I'm sad lurhs.. Ha ha.. And.. The last thing.. I cannot say uh.. Want to know ask me barhs.. Just feel like emo-ing all the way.. SEE YA PEOPLES~ Tuesday, January 13, 2009 BOO MY DEAR READERS!! IM BACKKKKKKKKK! HEH.. KINDA FREE NOW SO UPDATE AWHILE.. THIS POST DEDICATED TO MINGMING PAPA <3.. LOLS.. OKAYS.. MINGMING PAPA MAKES ME REMIND OF DOTA ALOT.. KEEP WANT ME PLAY WITH HIM LOL.. OKAYS.. MAI CRAP LERHS.. SEE LARHS.. MY CLASS BOYS ALL LAUGHT AT ME.. A NOOB GIRL PLAYING DOTA.. WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT!? WAIT LURHS.. WAIT I GENG LERHS.. SURE U ALL CRY.. WAHAHHAHA.. OKAYS.. CURRENTLY CHIONGING STUDIES.. AND.. WORKING AS A TUITOR TEACHER.. WORK ABOUT 1WEEK NIAS.. WANNA GIVE UP LERHS.. CAN'T COPE THE TIME.. TOO BUSY LERHS.. NID TO FIND TUITION FOR CHEMISTRY,BIOLOGY,PHYSICS AND ADD MATHS.. OF CAUSE.. THAT'S THE WAY TO IMPPROVE.. PROVE TO MINGMING PAPA I CAN DO IT!!! LOLS.. PAPA SEE THIS.. IF I CAN GET GOOD RESULT.. WAITING YOU TO TREAT ME MAKAN HORHS.. WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.. THIS MONTH AND NEXT MONTH MOSTLY ITS SPORTS MONTHS.. SPORTS LERHS.. NO JOKE.. MY FAVOURITE.. I TOOK PART IN 4X200M,4X400M,200M AND 400M MUST SUPPORT ME HORHS.. AND ALSO MARATOON.. MUST GET 1ST!! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. READERS ALL MUST PRAY FOR ME LURHS.. LOVE YOU READERS AND MINGMING PAPA ! Sunday, January 4, 2009 Haha.. Wee.. I'm back readers!! Let me update my blog since I have nothing to do.. Today marhs.. Woke up at 6am and get ready to go for Singapore.. Well.. Me and my mum went to OG and also Bugis Street.. Bought "quite" alot of clothes and also some JUNKFOOD.. No no.. I don't touch JUNK FOOD anymore.. Diet marhs.. LOL!!! Later eat more then super fat like pig.. Ha ha.. Then.. Suddenly I saw an old man sitting down beside the road.. I saw his forehead and nose bleeding.. My Gosh.. I felt damn freaking sad for him.. Well.. I guess.. He fell down or whatever.. Sob.. So sad.. Kinda spoil my mood.. But I felt sorry for that old man.. Sigh.. LOLS! Okay.. Shh.. Change topic.. Tomorrow school reopen lerhs.. Like I said.. Must study VERY VERY hard.. Ha.. Okay.. Got to go bath jorhs.. Bye readers! Friday, January 2, 2009 Heeeeya guys.. I'm back to blogging.. Since I'm bored uh.. Ha ha.. I've quited maple.. Yeah.. AGAIN.. Bored of it.. Just received a phone call yesterday.. Was told to be in school hall for prefect meeting.. End up just some crap.. Teacher have nothing better to do.. 9am I'll still be sleeping.. Want all of us to be in school at 9am?! LOLS!.. Go or don't go also doesn't make much different.. Waste my time! ROFL!.. Our prefect teacher changed jorh.. Now is ZAIDA.. This teacher seriously SUCKS man.. I rather ROZA then ZAIDA.. But both also sucks larhs.. LOL!..Cause Lely the best larhs.. Even though she's strict.. I still like her.. Ha ha.. But too bad.. She's the guru HEM of SMKTDT.. How I wish she's our prefect teacher.. Lols.. BORED UH!! This year 2009.. Must study extremely hard.. Yeah.. I MEAN IT!!!NO JOKE..[As if I am] Try barhs.. Yeah.. This year.. Merentas dasa I'm aiming for the first place.. BUT.. Can I? Hope so.. Ha ha.. Fat already.. Now wanna run also abit hard.. But I'll try my very very best.. Til here then.. love all my friends and readers! |
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