Friday, September 12, 2008
What a unlucky day.. I lost something which is very important.. Then.. I searched everywhere in school.. But stil cant find it.. Regret bringing it to school.. Even its not very expensive.. But it means alot to me.. Memories.. And lots more.. Haiz.. No matter what it is.. Stil wont get to find liao.. Haiz.. Pissed.. All my fault.. I shouldn't bring to school.. Haiz.. Thens.. I called someone.. But.. Where was you.. Where was you when I need you badly.. Do you know how the hell I feel or not? Called you about 5~6 times.. You switch off your phone.. Thens.. Haiz.. Really tired liaos.. Next week exam somemore.. Full of problems.. WHO CAN UNDERSTAND ME?!! Actually no one can understand me at all.. All I can do is just express my feelings.. In this blog.. Type out my feelings.. And.. Stop calling me already.. I need you that time.. You never be there for me.. Now its too late for everything liaos.. Its time to let go.. Maybe that's God plan.. Take care my dear friends.~ Thursday, September 11, 2008 ![]() Walalala.. Guys!Im back!! I very long never blog nerhs.. Kinda lazy to blog.. I don't really know why some other's will get my blog link.. Maybe is SHE gave it to other's? Neh..Who Care's? Heh.. First.. Nex week have my pra percubaan.. Goshh.. Then after that.. On the 13 Oct to 17 Oct.. I will be having my real PMR Examination.. And of cause.. I have prepare anything yet.. Happy to say that.. Thanks to Bhalvin for teaching me about SEJARAH.. Frankly speaking.. I really hate Sejarah.. But ever since you taught me.. I suddenly found that Sejarah is kinda interesting.. Heh.. And yes.. It's really interesting.. Okay.. Secondly.. I'm kinda troubled with my matters larhs.. Like friends.. Duh.. I really wanna ask you.. Are you seriously.. Treat me as a friend.. Or you're just using me.. Before that.. I told you.. I hate people using me.. And you wont.. But I can feel that okay.. Nehmind.. If you wanna create trouble with me I don't mind.. I really don't mind go up to Singapore just to find you.. You know what you did.. Even you found my blog so what? I want you to know that not everything we wants we can get.. *Shi ni de jiu shi ni de,Bu shi ni de dao tou lai dou bu hui shi ni de* Heard that before? Hahs.. You're just being childish.. No point backstabbing me behind my back.. Cause there's useless for you for doing that.. Cause he wont believe you.. He only trust me.. ME OKAY..NOT YOU.. Haiz.. Just very pissed off larhs.. Recently alot things happened lorhs.. Tuition there also got prob.. School there also got.. Me myself also got problem.. Please God..Please.. Exam is around the corner lerhs.. Just let me forget all the TROUBLES.. T.T.. Okay.. What I've planned after my PMR.. Is.. I WANNA GO GENTING..! Haha..Not only that.. I wanna go more places.. Like sun way lagoon.. If only I cant la.. LOL.. Okay okay.. I wanna go up to Singapore to meet up with my friends.. With my jiejie larhs.. Celebrate her birthday together with her friends.. Then go gai gai How I wish exams just faster SHOOOO off larhs.. T.T.. I'm stress!.. How I wish.. I can enjoy.. NOW!RIGHT NOW! =X.. |
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